
  • Am I Emotionally/Spiritually Mature or just Detached.

    Today let’s talk about the expectations that people place upon us along with the obligation that they expect us to have to live up to their expectations.

    This is a very live topic for me, because I have been uplifted when I fall in line however, I am shunned when I do not fall in line, and it’s not a direct shunning either. This has created a lot of deep-seated trauma within me. I am now in a place in my emotional and spiritual healing where I can say out loud that expectations have been a weapon used against me all of my life. I have tried multiple times to have a mature conversation with all parties involved about this and many other things as well, but it’s hard to discuss with a narcissist their mistakes, and their lack of care and attention to detail. So instead of seeking closure with these people, I have had to continue the healing process without them. Today I can say I no longer care about what their expectations are, it’s either you love me as I am, for who I am and, for who I am becoming, or you can live your life without me.

    It has been hard trying to get myself to this place of self-acceptance. Now that I am here I get statements and questions like “you are a hermit, you need to get out more” or “Why do you isolate yourself from everyone?” or “do you think that you are better than everyone else or something?” honestly I love my family and friends however, I am not responsible for the fact that you do not innerstand that I no longer wish to subject myself to the toxic energies that you exude, nor am I willing to sit in a room full of energy vampires that have no problem sucking me dry and giving nothing back.

    It is okay that I see our relationship for what it truly is and maneuver accordingly, the fact that you cannot or will not accept that this is where I stand without feeling attacked or feeling the need to defend yourself shows me that you do not nor could you innerstand where I am emotionally, spiritually as well as vibrationally. This means that we are not on the same playing field and that is okay, as I have been doing I will continue to maneuver accordingly with that being said it does matter who you are this standard still stands. Boundaries have been set, cross them at your peril.

    On this journey, I have had people tell me that I am emotionally immature and detached because I no longer find it necessary to argue or debate where I stand. I feel that it is not my obligation nor is it my priority to help others innerstand my stance on the matter. I no longer acknowledge the expectations of others. It is not my fault nor is it my problem that you have adopted said expectations, this is something for you to work out

    . I’ll give an example

    Story Time…

    I was having a conversation with some family friends at my parent’s anniversary party, and it was getting deep, uncle Jason commented ” Man it’s getting hard to find a good woman because all the good women are hanging out at the club with their h** friends” My response was ” Wow, really, uncle J I say this with nothing but respect but the fact that you were also out at the club should be dismissed right? oh okay, also what was your purpose for being at the club? he said, “I was hanging out with the guys having a good time after a long work week.” I said “Exactly, why would it be any different for a woman, she is also a hard-working woman, an entrepreneur, her girlfriends are in town for the weekend and she is having a great time with her visiting friends and letting off some steam, the fact that you find her attractive is not her problem, the fact that you are interested also is not her problem, she did not come looking for you. it is you who has the interest, it is not her responsibility to portray herself in a way that pleases you, she is not there for you, and you have expectations that you are putting on someone you don’t even know, doesn’t that sound arrogant and entitled. your expectations are not her problem nor are they her concern. you are the one that needs to check in your entitlement”. End Scene

    I had this conversation 3 years ago, this conversation stands out to me vividly because this is what people do constantly to me now. I am here now saying this to you, it is not okay to force your expectations on others, or for others to force their expectations upon you, your/their expectations are your/their/business, and the fact that you/they have them all together is something you/they need to process on personal time. You should not care what others’ expectations are, because they are either going to love you or dislike you, they will accept the boundaries you have set, or dismiss themselves altogether from your realm. Innerstand that you run the show and anyone who cannot play by the rules does not respect you. Decentering other’s expectations of you is self-love and self-care because now you can pay more attention to the expectations you have for yourself because, in all honesty, those are the only ones that matter, in lite of all of that I have made it a point not to have expectations of others because I now innerstand that, that is a form of obligating someone or others to the vision that you have for them or a situation. so walk your walk, and talk your talk, because if you operate from a place of knowing within yourself everyone and their expectations are like a beautiful wispy wind, it just passes you by,

    Written By Stacey McCoy

  • Where Do I Start?

    Where Do I Start?

    Where Do I Start?

    Where do I start, when the world within me and around me is so loud, and all I seek is inner peace.

    outside noise-The World

    What do I do when
    all that is certain
    now leaves me feeling trapped, like a bird in a cage

    what do I do? I am drowning, I am sinking, I am reaching out for a solution but a voice so lite so thin like a whisper is calling me within

    The ground beneath my feet is shaking, breaking, cracking crumbling, I am falling and struggling, but that voice, so lite so thin coming from within is whispering,
    calling me back to something ancient,
    something I have always known but forgotten.

    I stand at the edge of a journey,
    unsure of the path,
    but the wind in my hair tells me
    I am meant to move forward,
    even if I do not know where.

    My soul, my spirit, my intuition long muted by the noise of life,
    begins to hum softly,
    a melody I had silenced for years—
    it is a song of deep remembering and deep longing for the me I am suppose to be.

    Where do I start?
    when the stars in the sky
    seem to pulse in time with my heart,
    reminding me that I am woven
    into something vast,
    something unexplainable

    I take a breath,
    and let go of all the ways I thought I knew,
    for I am reborn I am a babe in this spiritual space, surrounded by the ancestors and my spirit guides, I surrender to all they have to teach me.

    where do I start? with one foot in front of the other
    and each step I take is a prayer.

    The answer is not in the distance,
    but in the unfolding of here and now, and acknowledging that I am just a moment in time
    where each moment is a doorway
    and I am the one who decides
    whether to walk through it.

    So, where do I start? I start with this moment, with this breath, in true serenity and
    with the courage to be open
    to whatever comes next.

    Written By Stacey McCoy